Manufacturing Giants Gather to Discuss AI Transformation Strategies: PowerArena and Mighty Net Reveal the Secrets to Building a AI Factory

On July 26, 2024, PowerArena, in collaboration with Mighty Net, hosted the forum “AI in Factory: From Implementing AI in Factories to Long-term Industry Strategies.” The event attracted representatives from major manufacturing companies such as Compal Electronics, Getac Technology, Ford Lio Ho, and Universal Global Scientific Industrial, who came together to discuss how AI technology is transforming the manufacturing ecosystem and helping manufacturers maintain a competitive edge.

DIGITIMES Vice President, Eric Huang

The forum kicked off with a keynote from DIGITIMES Vice President, Eric Huang, who examined the impacts and challenges on the supply chain brought by three major macro trends: geopolitics, net-zero carbon emissions, and artificial intelligence. Huang emphasized the importance of data-driven transformation models to adopt various operational strategies and strengthen supply chain resilience. He highlighted that “the key value of AI in smart manufacturing lies in its predictive capabilities.” Huang noted that businesses, which previously relied on traditional business intelligence for descriptive and diagnostic analysis, are now leveraging AI for predictive and prescriptive analysis. In light of inevitable labor shortages, manufacturers need to empower their employees and enhance flexibility through “machine-assisted” approach.

PowerArena’s Sales Director, Wei Chien Hung, noted that currently, only 16% of manufacturers have successfully achieved their production goals through AI applications. Most manufacturers face difficulties in integrating departments, insufficient AI awareness, and a lack of relevant technical talent when implementing AI. For management, collaborating with AI specialists can improve implementation efficiency and effectively connect engineering planning with future expansion applications.

PowerArena Sales Director, Wei Chien Hung

Hung shared examples of how PowerArena assists the electronics, semiconductor, and automotive assembly industries in implementing AI vision. By analyzing the actions of workstation operators through AI vision, they accurately collect cycle times and mark anomalies, helping managers effectively use comprehensive production data. AI video’s Track & Trace feature can also help clarify the root causes of issues. For instance, an electronics factory discovered that a material cart next to the workstation was affecting the workflow, causing operators to frequently adjust and move, thus extending the workstation’s operation time. AI vision can also be applied to SOP monitoring, providing immediate warnings and corrections when errors occur, thereby reducing product defect rates.

Mighty Net CEO, Ray Tai

Mighty Net CEO, Ray Tai, shared his industry insights as an experienced manufacturing veteran. He noted that AI development is progressing rapidly in the optoelectronics, semiconductor, machinery, and food industries, with many electronic component industries also actively developing AI applications. Tai discussed Mighty Net’s own transformation logic, extending even to staff meal ordering, which transitioned from error-prone paper records to an easily integrated online form and meal ordering system. This same transformation mindset should be applied to all parts of the company’s operation, utilizing new technologies such as generative AI for internal knowledge bases, virtual customer services, and form-driven processes to enhance smart management.

This forum connected trends in smart manufacturing, AI solutions, and shared end-user experiences in manufacturing, providing manufacturers with a roadmap for the next steps in their transformation to stay ahead in the ever-evolving AI competition.